Car Apps

Top 5 Mobile Apps to Prevent a DUI

After an amazing night out on the town, nothing is worse than seeing those strobing blue disco lights in your…

Automotive Technology

Progressive’s “Snapshot” Program Will Now Penalize “Bad Drivers”

Many car insurance companies currently offer discounts or other perks for "good drivers". Just what a "good driver" entails varies…

Traffic Laws

10 Bizarre Driving Laws – They Got a Traffic Ticket for What?!

Though having fun with lessons is enjoyable, the main aim is to offer information that helps folks become better drivers.…

Automotive Technology

Top 5 Cool Car Gadgets of 2015

Get ready to sport some of the coolest gadgets, perfect for upping the ante in your automobile or for showing…

Traffic Laws

Drive Safely: Traffic Ticket Costs are On the Rise

Traffic tickets in California seem cheaper at first glance, as the base fines have barely changed over the past couple…

Car Safety

What if Your Commute Could be Safe AND Productive?

The GROW AMERICA Act is a transportation bill from the Obama administration. It wants to give the National Highway Traffic…

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