Driving Safety

Floridians Unable To Renew License Online In September

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is getting ready for a big move to a new place.…

Driving Safety

Some Texas Employees Get Driving Simulator

Potter County has a nifty gadget giving employees a shot at driving without hitting the road. This driving simulator lets…


California Driving Test Requires Patience

California, like all states, requires first time drivers to complete both a written test and an actual behind-the-wheel driving test.…


Arizona Offers Five-Year Registrations

Skipping the yearly car registration trip in Arizona is possible, and many find this a real boon. The Arizona Bureau…

Driving Safety

New York Drunk Driver Kills Passenger

A driver in New York was allegedly so drunk he not only drove threw a stop sign without slowing down,…

Driving Safety

‘Distracting Advertising’ In Las Vegas

It seems some pranksters believed jolting drivers on Interstate 15 close to Bonanza Road would grab attention for their cause.…

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