Driving Safety

Houston Considers Major Highway Round-A-Bout

Traffic circles, or roundabouts, pop up everywhere in the Northeastern United States and dominate intersections in Europe. Yet, they're still…


Brownsville Safest Texas City For Driving

Brownsville now wears the crown as the safest city for drivers in Texas, according to the latest Allstate Insurance Company's…


Idaho Judge Arrested For DUI

A southwest Idaho district court judge might have reached a significant turning point in life by being arrested for allegedly…

Car Safety

American Drivers Say: “It Wasn’t Me!”

Interestingly enough, although American drivers nearly all admit doing things behind the wheel they shouldn't be doing, like eating, talking…


‘Stupid Motorists’ Risk Citations In Arizona

Stupidity is often in the eye of the beholder. Unless the beholder is a police officer watching a motorist flaunt…


California Increasing Fines For ‘Distracted Drivers’

California already has some of the strictest laws against using handheld devices while driving, yet legislators are thinking about raising…

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