New York

How Many Points Does Defensive Driving Take off in NY?

If you’re wondering how many points does defensive driving take off in NY, the answer is up to four points.…

Car Apps

The Uber of Car Assistance – App

The sharing economy has been super successful in some areas, like a duck to water. It's only natural that more…

Car Safety

Wipers & Lights: What You Need To Know

Lots of folks get the rules about using headlights at night, but they tend to overlook other times when turning…

Automotive Technology

Is Car Wrapping Worth the Money to You?

How much is $470 a month actually worth to you? Is that your car payment plus your insurance payment? More…

Car Insurance

Car Insurance Discount For Mature Driver

Save up to 15% on your Auto Insurance Premiums with a Mature Driver Course In the District of Columbia and…

Driving Safety

Car Accidents on Private Property: Liability Issues & What to Do

When a car crash happens on the highway, you know to call an ambulance if it's serious, then ring up…

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