Driving Test

Answering common traffic school questions

Are you enrolled in traffic school and feeling a bit nervous about the expectations? If so, you are not alone.…

Car Safety

Can You Test Drive for Fun?

Where would we be without the test drive? Probably more unsatisfied customers – new owners may discover that a vehicle…

Driving Safety

Traffic School Daze vs. Real Traffic School

If you saw the Jamie Foxx Show, Season 2, Episode 10, when he goes to traffic school, you might be…

Car Safety

New York Green Driver Incentives

There are roughly 12 million cars on the road in the state of New York. Of those 12 million cars,…

Automotive Technology

The Pros & Cons of Manual vs. Automatic Transmission

Most people do not consider the purchase or lease of a vehicle with a manual transmission. Also known as a…

Driving Safety

How to Choose the Right Helmet

Choosing your motorcycle helmet can almost be as important as choosing the right motorcycle. Because there are so many styles…

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