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According to a new report by the Texas Department of Transportation fewer Texans than ever before are getting behind the wheel after downing a few beers.
That’s right, drinking and driving is on the decline in Texas and the Texas Department of Transportation is taking advantage of this decline to build more momentum toward even further declines.

To this end the TxDOT is pulling out nearly all the stops in its latest holiday PR campaign blitz. They are using a mix of traditional marketing techniques, social media marketing and some decidedly gorilla marketing efforts to get their message across to drivers around state.

After distracted driving, drinking and driving is the most dangerous mix on the roads today. Drivers who consume just a few beers, or a few glasses of wine or a few shots are in danger of suffering delayed reaction time, impaired judgement or a decrease in dexterity. It’s also enough to put them over the limit when it comes to blood alcohol content which will earn them a citation, possible jail time and a suspended license.

Even a defensive driving course can’t help you if you’ve died in a horrible car crash because you were driving drunk.
There simply is no excuse for drinking and driving. Getting behind the wheel of a 4,000 pound metal missile after you’ve had a few drinks is tantamount to putting a bullet into a revolve, giving the chamber a spin, pointing the gun at your grandmom and pulling the trigger. Nobody wants to take a chance like that.
Last year there were 3,024 fatalities on Texas roads and highways. Of there, there were more than 1,100 alcohol related crashes, making alcohol a factor in more than 35% of the traffic fatalities in the state.

This holiday season TxDOT is sending a clear message, delivered by one of Santa’s reindeer: “Don’t drive if you’re tipsy, buzzed or Blitzen. Call a cab or get a sober ride home.”

Defensive driving sounds like good advice to me. Follow it.

Image: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net