Scientists just found a new protein called MEC-17, and it’s like a traffic cop for brain cells. Researchers think MEC-17 might help with studying diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s. Inside the brain, tiny tubes known as microtubules guide nutrients, proteins, and waste where they need to go. They also help with cell growth and messaging between brain cells. Scientists know that brain degeneration happens when these microtubules change. It’s super cool because it might help unlock secrets to many brain diseases! **Isn’t that fascinating?**

If a drug can have an impact on microtubules along its transport, this can lead to degenerative research of diseases. Scientists have now found that MEC-17 displays certain marks on microtubules. Marks created on these tiny tubes direct it where it should transport proteins and so on to which part of the brain and in what direction. Depending on whether it is a sending signal or receiving signal, microtubules showed more marks in some cases.

MEC-17 was first discovered during the study of human cancer cells and other organism’s nerve cells in zebrafish and C. elegans, a nematode worm. For instance, in research done on zebrafish, neuromuscular defects were noticed with the depletion of MEC-17 and in nematode worm, its sensation touch was affected. Now that scientists understand the use of MEC-17 a little better, it is hoped that research can lead to a drug being developed to block or to enhance it. I wonder if scientist will be able to develop a traffic school for our cells? LOL!