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If you require glasses while driving then wear them. Driving without corrective lenses can result in injury to yourself and others. If your driver’s license includes a corrective lenses restriction, you have to wear your glasses when driving. Being caught driving without glasses is a serious offense in nearly every state.

What Happens if You Get Caught Driving Without Your Glasses?

Driving without glasses results in a traffic ticket or an even more severe traffic penalty. You may face the following penalties for driving without glasses:

  • North Carolina – Same as driving without a license (up to $500 fine)
  • Florida – Driving without glasses is a moving violation and a second-degree misdemeanor (up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine)
  • Texas – A restriction code violation with a fine of over $200 fine

What is a Corrective Lenses Restriction?

A corrective lenses restriction is a notation on the driver’s license. In New York State, the restriction requires the driver to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses when driving. The words “corrective lenses” is printed on the front of the license and some states include further information on the back of the license. Defensive driving school is designed to help drivers learn to predict and anticipate what others drivers may do. If a driver is not wearing their glasses you may have to react more quickly and make up for their inability to see.

Can You Get a Driver’s License if You Are Blind in One Eye?

Although driving restrictions vary from state to state, it is against federal law to prohibit people who are blind in one eye from securing a driver’s license. As long as the individual can pass the same tests administered to everyone else, they are able to get a drivers license. Some states do not allow people with so-called monocular vision to drive at night. Be sure to do your research at your local DMV to determine if you qualify.