The Arizona Department of Transportation tackles the headache of jam-packed highways, beginning with widening **Loop 303** to **six lanes**.

The added roadways will improve traffic flow and help reduce commuting times by allowing room for more vehicles.

Local residents have been complaining for years about the long delays and the heavy traffic on Loop 303. This has led the ADOT to focus expansion efforts on the roadway which will (they hope) alleviate the traffic problems.

Increased roadway congestion is not just a problem when you are trying to get some place, it is also a leading cause of aggressive driving and leads to more collisions. Heavily congested roads also means that cars spend more time idling in traffic. This increases the amount of greenhouse gases they can release into the atmosphere and cuts down on their fuel efficiency.

By expanding one roadway Arizona Department of Transportation can help increase fuel economy, cut down on the number of traffic accidents and make it easier for some Arizonans to get back and forth to school, work or wherever they are going.

Details about the new Loop 303 projects from ADOT:

• Loop 303 between Thomas and Camelback roads
$31.5 million contract awarded to Ames Construction, Inc.
Length of Freeway Segment: 2 miles
Construction Start: June 2012
Scheduled Completion: Summer 2014

• Loop 303 between Glendale and Peoria avenues
$65.1 million contract awarded to Pulice Construction, Inc.
Length of Freeway Segment: 3 miles
Project includes construction of Northern Parkway interchange and a one-mile section of Northern Parkway between Loop 303 and Sarival Avenue.
Construction Start: June 2012
Scheduled Completion: Fall 2014