Driving Safety

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We teach drivers education with a smile and we want you seriously safe on the road.

Most Recent in Driving Safety

Pennsylvania Texting Ban Questioned

Pennsylvania passed a new law prohibiting drivers from sending or reading text messages while behind the wheel last year. Now, almost exactly one year later, some are questioning whether the…

March 15, 2013

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Wrong-Way Drunk Driver Fails At Map Reading

When police stopped and questioned a man who was driving the wrong way down a one-way street they quickly discovered two things: first, that the driver, Stephen F. Ballinger, was…

March 15, 2013

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Florida Lawmakers Ready To Strike Down Controversial Driving Law

Not so long ago, foreign visitors to the state of Florida were required to obtain a special state issued driver’s license if they wanted…

March 13, 2013

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Drunk Driving Not Limited To Cars

We’ve all done at one time or another: grabbed a beer or two, fired up the tractor, and started cutting the grass. The next thing you know you’re mowing through…

March 13, 2013

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Arizona Driving Manual In English And Spanish

Arizona does not allow anyone who is not a U.S. citizen to obtain a state driver’s license, but they do make their driving manual available in both English and Spanish.…

March 12, 2013

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (Drive Sober)

You might think police are only looking for drunk drivers during New Year’s Eve and after the Super Bowl, but you’d be wrong. Police are savvy drunk driver spotters–they know…

March 11, 2013

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Georgia Teen Driver Deaths Decline

The state of Georgia was one of just a handful of states which bucked the national trend in teen driving deaths and saw a decline in those inexperienced drivers killed…

March 8, 2013

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New York Driving ‘Worst’ In The Nation

When driving analysts say New York driving is the ‘worst’ in the nation, they are not referring to the way people drive. They are talking about the act of driving…

March 8, 2013

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University Students In Arizona Campaign Against Texting And Driving

A group of University of Arizona students have started an on-campus campaign to remind their fellow students of the dangers of texting while driving.…

March 6, 2013

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Parking By Disabled Permit Only Is For Real

You might think that an empty parking space, even if it’s marked by a “disabled parking only” sign, is fair game. You might only need to park there a moment;…

March 6, 2013

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