Driving Safety

IMPROV® Traffic School brings you the best content on driving and vehicle safety!
We teach drivers education with a smile and we want you seriously safe on the road.

Most Recent in Driving Safety

The Top 20 RVs and Campers for Summer 2017

‘Tis the season for travel. This summer Americans will be loading up their RVs and putting more miles on the road than ever before. If you’re thinking about purchasing a…

June 16, 2017

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Top 10 Defensive Drivers in The World

The (arguably) top ten defensive drivers are listed in order of most defensive in this highly not-so-factual blog.

June 7, 2017

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On-Call Nurse Injured in Car Accident on Her Way Home Wins Work Comp Case

In 2013, Paula Dugger, a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) left her patient’s home and headed towards her own. On her way, despite her astute…

May 22, 2017

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Am I Eligible to Drive in Texas?

The right to drive a motorized vehicle is something most take for granted. They just assume that anyone can jump in a car and take off down the road. This…

May 1, 2017

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Answering common NJ & NY defensive driving course questions.

So, you are thinking about taking a defensive driving course but do not know where to turn? Relax, many out there have been in…

April 24, 2017

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What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion. This is something they tell you about in defensive driving class. What is a space cushion? It sounds top secret. Like something, NASA and the government need to keep hidden in order to…

April 19, 2017

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Red Light Cameras: Facts & Myths

Red-light cameras represent a real challenge to many drivers, even safe ones. Traffic school is one way to handle violations reported by these cameras. You are rushing to a meeting…

April 13, 2017

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How Much Does Defensive Driving Save You?

A defensive driving course will save you money. The question: How much? There are a lot of factors at play, of course. If you drive a sports car and have…

April 12, 2017

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Benefits of Driving for the TLC

In the car world, TLC has nothing to do with how much respect you show yourself or someone else. The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) of New York City is…

April 10, 2017

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Can You Test Drive for Fun?

Where would we be without the test drive? Probably more unsatisfied customers – new owners may discover that a vehicle that looked great and had good reviews didn’t “feel right”…

April 5, 2017

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